
Cranbourne East Secondary College has five houses named after Australian scholars who have significantly contributed to Australian society. Belonging to a house provides students with a greater sense of belonging, providing ample opportunities to socialise with students from different classes and year levels to promote a more cohesive school community. Students earn House and RGAR points throughout the year for demonstrating the values of the college both in class, around the college campus and within the wider community.

The college values are Respect, Growth, Achievement and Responsibility. Students can also earn House and RGAR points by pursuing their extra-curricular passions and interests categorised in Arts and Clubs, Community and Leadership, and Sport and Recreation. These points accumulate throughout student’s school journey and contribute to their house total.

HOUSE Olympics

CESC will be holding our first ever Olympics. There will be five departments competing and all 5 houses will be fighting for first place. At the end of each week, we will announce the house points for the Olympics. This event will go until the end of term 3. We would love to see more staff and students building a positive school culture and prospering relationships not just inside a classroom.


  • Physical Education: Olympic Relay
  • Technologies: Perfect Pancake Cook Off
  • English: Spelling Bee
  • Arts: Theatre Sports
  • Humanities: Row / Bike

House Point Tally

Every term student’s displaying excellence in these areas are formally recognised at their celebration assemblies and the end of year awards evening being awarded with certificates. In addition, our house system provides opportunities for students to develop their leadership skills with two house captains at each year level per house. House captains help facilitate our termly house assemblies where houses gather to celebrate the collective achievement of the house and communicate important information surrounding our house carnival competitions in the sports of swimming, cross country, and athletics.

House Athletics

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