Parent Teacher Student Interviews

Open communication with your child’s secondary school is especially important through the changes and challenges of the adolescent years. Schools and teachers, as well as support staff including counsellors, are in an excellent position to watch how your child is developing and learning.

The College provides an opportunity for parents/guardians to meet with their child’s teacher twice per year to discuss their progress. Students are expected to attend the interviews with their parent/guardian. The date of Parent Teacher Student Interviews is communicated via email and through Compass Newsfeed. Interviews are booked through Compass.

Interviews can be either in person or online, see attached below for more information. Alternatively, you can also ask for a meeting at other times. If you’re concerned about your child’s progress, contact the school to make an appointment.

Parent teacher student interviews give you a great opportunity to:

  • Learn more about your child’s academic, emotional and social development
  • Meet and get to know your child’s teachers
  • Help your child’s teachers understand more about your child
  • Make plans with the teacher about how you can both support your child
  • Build a relationship with your child’s school.
  • Show your child that you’re interested in their learning needs and what’s happening for them at school

Before the meeting:

The interview time tends to pass quickly so it helps to be well prepared. A list of questions will help you remember what you want to talk about.

  • Read through your child’s report and think about what you want to discuss.
  • Write a list of questions you want to ask the teacher.
    • What are my child’s strengths?
    • What does my child struggle with?
    • How much homework should my child be doing?
    • What can I do at home to help with schoolwork?
    • What can you tell me about my child’s behaviour in class?
    • How is my child getting along with other students?
    • What support services are available for my child at school?
  • Ask your child if there are any questions they would like you to ask, or if there is anything they would like you to tell the teacher.
  • Ask your child what they think the teacher is going to tell you.
  • Think about anything you’d like to tell the teacher. For example, if there have been changes that have had an impact on your child.
  • If you need a translator, ask the school to organise this before the meeting.

During the meeting:

Interviews may be online or in person. This may be the first time you meet your child’s teacher. Please be assured that it is normal to feel a bit nervous and that teachers will make you feel at ease in the interview. You’ll have a pre-arranged meeting time so it’s important to be on time.

  • If you want to ask about a specific thing, let the teacher know at the start of the meeting.
  • Write down answers to your questions so you can share them with your child.
  • Ask about how your child is enjoying school and taking part in class.
  • Ask about any behaviour issues.
  • Let the teacher know any information you think they need about your child.
  • You and the teacher may create a plan with next steps.
  • If you’re unsure about anything, ask the teacher to explain further.

In person interviews are held in open areas. If you know that you want to raise a sensitive or confidential topic with a teacher, it might be a good idea to arrange a separate meeting.

After the meeting:

  • Keep in regular contact with the teacher to follow up on your agreed plan.
  • Talk with your child about what you discussed. Talk about ways you can work together to improve their learning.
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