Senior School Curriculum
Year 11
In Year 11, students begin the first year of their 2 year Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) course. Our focus is to develop skills, independence and confidence to prepare them for their post-secondary school goals and adult life.
There is a dedicated and specialist team of VCE teachers, helping students to achieve a high level of academic excellence by offering guidance and individual support during lunchtime and after school study clubs.We work collaboratively with the wellbeing and careers teams who offer a range of targeted programs that assist students to build resilience, coping strategies, stress management and future pathways.
Alternatively, Year 11 students may choose to undertake a Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major certificate (VCE-VM). This pathway focuses on hands-on-learning and is suited to students who are more interested in going on to training at TAFE, doing an Apprenticeship, or getting a job after completing Year 12. The VCE-VM aims to provide students with skills, knowledge and attitudes to make informed choices about pathways to work and further education.
What the students can expect at Year 11
- Knowledge and content
- Advice in future pathways planning
- A range of assessment types
- Access to information services
- A range of programs to support their learning
- Support, encouragement, assistance, guidance
What the staff expect from the students
- Commitment to their studies
- Completion of work
- Attendance
- Meeting deadlines
- Punctuality
The College has an expectation that students undertaking a unit 1 & 2 subject will undertake 2-3 hours per subject, per week of home study and students undertaking a unit 3 & 4 subject undertake 3-5 hours per subject, per week. This should include homework, revision, completion of assignments, extension work, study and preparation for SACs and study for examinations. Students need to balance home study with part time employment, sporting and social commitments. Students who are engaged in more than 12-15 hours per week of outside commitments find it extremely difficult to perform to the best of their ability in their VCE studies.
Successful Completion of VCE
To be awarded the VCE, a student must complete the following to a satisfactory level:
- at least 16 units (either units 1, 2, 3 or 4) from any combination of subjects
- a minimum of three units of English
- 3 sequences of unit 3 and 4 (year 12) studies other than English
Year 11 Student Leadership
We are proud to have Wajiha Musa and Sanjay Kandel represent the year 11 cohort in 2023. They will be working collaboratively with the class captains to provide students with the opportunity to voice their opinion, discuss any concerns that individuals or classes may have and build a positive school environment.
Our Year 11 leaders play an important part of improving and strengthening community links between students, parents and the wider CESC community.
2023 Leaders
It is imperative that we acknowledge the achievements and positive work ethic of our students throughout the year to encourage and support them to continually strive for academic and personal success. At senior school, students are involved in the “RGAR” program. Students are given bronze, silver and gold awards based on the RGAR points they receive.
Year 11 At A Glance
We offer a broad range of VCE Studies to our Year 11 students. All Year 11 VCE students undertake English as this is a compulsory component of the VCE which is awarded at the completion of Year 12. Other studies available to students are listed below. Year 11 VCE students may also undertake selected VCE Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses or subjects via the Victorian School of Languages or Distance Education.